Post Archives

April 17, 2010

How Could the Church Transform the Culture?

(Vintage Church Series) This is the tenth and final sermon as Pastor John preaches through the book Vintage Church, written by Mark Driscoll.

April 10, 2010

What Is a Missional Church?

(Vintage Church Series) The purpose of our church is to create a missional community of worshiping theologians who love God, love others, and serve Jesus 7 days a week. Find out what a missional church is this week as we explore our 9th sermon in the Vintage Church series.

January 2, 2010

Share the Vision (Vision 2010 Sermon)

Rev. John J. Pethtel presents a vision for the Metro Atlanta SDB Church: “The purpose of the Metro Atlanta SDB Church is to create a missional community of worshiping theologians who love God, love others, and serve Jesus 7 days a week.”