February 8, 2012
7Day Youth: Which Gear Are You On?
Daniel Lovelace
Last week I climbed into my car, exhausted. It’d been a good but hard day of work, helping a friend replace insulation in his the basement. I set my Honda Civic into “Drive” and started pulling out of the driveway. I immediately noticed something sounded odd. My car was louder than normal and seemed to […]
January 24, 2012
7Day Youth Update
Daniel Lovelace
Currently, 7Day Youth is looking at the true church (what it is and why it is important). We are currently teaching on the 9 Marks of a healthy church, as found in Mark Dever‘s book, “What Is a Healthy Church?” 7Day Youth has recently made a Blogspot! Check it out here: http://7dayyouth.blogspot.com/ We’re also on […]